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Multilevel Approaches to Understanding Health – Beyond the Individual

Annotated Reference List

  • This article focuses on the importance of the social determinants of health and whether or not they should be screened universally or targetted. 

DeCamp, M., DeSalvo, K., & Dzeng, E. (2020). Ethics and spheres of influence in addressing social determinants of health. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 35(9), 2743–2745.

  • This plan discusses Ontario’s recognition of health inequity and creating a framework to deal this inequity. Focuses on the important areas of quality : Access, experience and health outcomes. 

Health Quality Ontario’s health equity plan. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2022, from                                                    

  • This article describes the Health Equity Framework. The authors focus on how health outcomes are influenced by complex interactions between people and their environments. 

Peterson, A., Charles, V., Yeung, D., & Coyle, K. (2021). The health equity framework: A science- and justice-based                 model for public health researchers and practitioners. Health Promotion Practice, 22(6), 741–746.   

  • This article discusses the Health belief model and its application.

Olsen, S., Smith, S., Oei, T., & Douglas, J. (2008). Health belief model predicts adherence to CPAP before experience with CPAP. European Respiratory Journal, 32, 710-717.

  • This article focuses on extension of health belief model.

Orji, R., Vassileva, J., & Mandryk, R. (2012). Towards an effective health interventions design: an extension of the health belief model. Online journal of public health informatics, 4(3), ojphi.v4i3.4321.

  • This article focuses on how Public Health can use the health equity framework. It recognizes that working on upstream factors (like the Social Determinants of Health) would actually benefit downstream inequities. 

Shah, U. A., Hadayia, J. M., & Forys, L. E. (2017). From principles to practice: One local health department’s journey             toward health equity. Health Equity, 1(1), 23-27.

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